What does being a WILD WOMAN even mean?!
There are a huge amount of negative connotations about a wild woman, most of them ending with the assumption that a wild woman is reckless, feral and out of control.
What if I told you this isn’t the case?
That the wild woman I refer to is one who is supremely connected to the universe, energy around her and mother nature that she can so easily connect in with herself.
Because when one is able to connect with the universe, one is able to appreciate the power of connecting in with oneself.
And by doing this – by having such a strong connection to the “you” on the inside, you gain almost superhuman powers.
You feel confident. No matter the situation.
You trust yourself. No matter the situation.
You feel strong. No matter the situation.
Isn’t that amazing?
All the self-doubt, questioning and anxiety you’ve lived with ebbing away just because you took the time to connect in with yourself?
Sounds like beautiful magic to me.
And its true. It happens.
I’m exploring 5 key topics of a Wild Woman in my Facebook group this week.
You can join us here www.facebook.com/groups/accessingthepowerfulenergeticyou
Be empowered. Be powerful. Be YOU.