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The importance of cleansing your crystals

Writer's picture: Love Happens to MeLove Happens to Me

Now, as we’ve touched on in the previous blogs, crystals are made up of energy.

As are you.

And the nature of energy is that it collects in a space and needs to be cleansed to release what is collected.

Some energy that is collected is positively focused and will make you feel better. And some is more negative and will bring down your energy and feelings overall.

Its not a matter of good or bad. Its more a matter of energy you want around you and energy that you don’t.

Crystals naturally have great energy, and each have their own healing properties.

When they are used by us humans, they will soak up the energy around them.

So, for example, say you have chosen to carry a piece of amethyst with you to create feelings of peacefulness around you. And one day you may be feeling particularly peace-less – perhaps angry, agitated or restless. Whatever the feeling, the energy of the feeling will be collected by the crystal.

Remember when I said crystals are like sponges? They soak up everything around them. So, if you are carrying an amethyst to feel more peaceful and are feeling agitated one day, it will soak up the energy of the agitatedness.

Your intention of carrying the amethyst is not to feel more agitated, but to feel more peaceful. So knowing that energy is soaked up by your crystals, you want to make sure you cleanse them to release the energy/feeling of agitatedness from your amethyst, so you can soak up the amethyst’s naturally peaceful creating energy.

Its important to be aware of what is going on in your life and around you, and the energies around you.

When you are working on yourself and improving your life, you will be more aware that you feel agitated and be able to reflect on that, to then do something about it.

So carrying the amethyst which has now experienced a day of you feeling agitated, it will have soaked up the energy/feeling of this. And so you want to cleanse the amethyst of this, to clear it of that energy and reset it to its natural state of positivity and all the healing qualities that amethyst is capable of, peacefulness being one of them.

The more you do it, the more you will realise the importance of it.

Its also important to cleanse yourself, and you can use the same methods to do so, although we will touch more on this another time.

How to cleanse your crystals

There are 5 ways I talk about that you can use to cleanse your crystals:

1. Full moon

Is my fave way because I am definitely a moon baby! Make the most of the full moon, and the eve either side (so you have 3 days in total to utilise the power of the full moon energy) by placing your crystals outside under the moonlight. This may not be feasible, so you can place your crystals on a windowsill with good moonlight instead. Even if you can’t see the moon, still do this. The power of the moon is capable of changing the tides, and as well recorded, has effects on the emotional states of humans, and so is powerful enough to cleanse your crystals. As we get a full moon once a month, it’s a good reminder to cleanse your crystals. In your downloadable freebie (link to access this is at the bottom of the blog) you will get more info on when to cleanse with examples. My suggestion is at least once a month, and more if you feel necessary, or when it fits in with the suggestions outlined in the freebie.

2. Sage

I love the power of sage, and it’s a native American traditional way of cleansing the energy of a space (also something we will cover in a future blog). You light the sage stick, let the flame take and then blow it out, so it smokes. You waft the smoke around your crystals – with bigger crystals you can go around it as much as possible, with smaller crystals you can hold them in your hand and let the sage touch all of the crystal. By using sage you are cleansing the energy and so releasing any energy soaked up, ready for the crystal to then do its magical work for you again once more.

3. Incense

Used in the same way as sage, incense is another great way to cleanse your crystals. Another use of smoke to release the collected energy, and you can of course use your favourite incense scent.

4. Water

Probably the easiest way to cleanse your crystals as we have water around us. Some say you need to use a natural stream to cleanse your crystals – obviously if you happen to have one accessible to you this is a beautiful way to cleanse them. Some say tap water is bad because of the chemicals found in it. My preferred way is to allow you to cleanse your crystals using water that is most accessible for you. If that is a stream, great. If that is using tap water, great. Its water at the end of the day. Make it fit your belief systems. If you don’t like tap water because of the chemicals found it in, purify it with a crystal such as shungite first, and then cleanse your crystals. The important bit to remember is to cleanse them, not get caught up in rules. Do whichever way feels best for you using water. It’s a great way to quickly cleanse if you use a crystal and want to cleanse it on the go, or are given a crystal by someone. Do not add salt. This is not necessary. And be aware of which crystals you can’t run under water, such as selenite – because of its porous nature and it is a self-cleansing crystal. Self-cleansing crystals are something we will touch on, however I still like to cleanse my crystals that can cleanse themselves because I like the ritual of it all.

5. Sun

This is one you may really connect to, if the sun is something you have a great energetic connection with. You can leave your crystals out to cleanse under the sunlight for the day. Be aware that direct sun exposure can change the colouration of your crystals over time, so they may lose the intensity of colour. However, the sun is also a great energetic release and so do use it if you feel connected to.

The benefits of cleansing your crystals

1. They can work most effectively for you because they are at their optimum energy

2. You will be able to soak up the beautiful clear energy of your chosen crystal, rather than an old emotion/feeling you have felt

3. You connect with the wider universe and the power of the moon in your journey of connection, awareness and enlightenment

What may happen if you don’t cleanse your crystals

1. They may disappear – true fact, they may seemingly go walkies when you have no idea how because they are in need of some time out because they are overwhelmed with the energy that hasn’t been cleansed

2. They may break – for the same reason that they may disappear

3. You may start to soak up feelings you don’t want – if you’ve previously carried a crystal with you to help with anxious feelings, and decide to carry it to promote peace, you don’t want to soak up anxious feelings when that isn’t how you are feeling on that day. But if the crystal has not been cleansed, that is possible

4. Your crystals wont work at the high frequency of magical transformation they are capable of

The most important thing to remember is to cleanse your crystals for their sake and your own, because that way you will get the most out of working with them.

I’ve outlined 5 ways you can do this – pick the one that you most connect to and feels most in sync with who you are. You can vary it up or always use the same method, it’s up to you.

Make sure you download the freebie this week that outlines when to cleanse your crystals with examples, so you get more of an idea of when it is necessary, but minimum once a month! You can get your freebies via my newsletter which you can sign up for here

Let me know how you get on, and if you have any questions fly them over to me at

Next week we’ll be discussing how to get what you really want in life.

With much crystal love



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