Its one of those things everyone is questing for, in different ways.
The life of your dreams.
What does that look like? Money? Big houses? Inner peace? Contentment? Solitude?
We all have different ideals, different things that are important to us and different things that make us happy.
Happiness itself is often a quest throughout life, with the belief usually being that if we have “fill in the blank” we will be happy. Everyone’s “fill in the blank” will be different, some more complicated than others. And this quest for “fill in the blank” is problematic in itself, but we will explore that another time.
The main focus I want you to have here is accepting that you can get the life you want.
There are just some steps you need to take to really evaluate what you want first.
Because what I often find with my clients is when they try to break down the life they claim to want into more manageable chunks, so they can actually comprehend living it, it changes. We don’t usually put together a clear, concise view of the life we would like to lead. Instead we are usually impressed by images and stereotypes we find throughout society. And these stereotypes and expectations come along in all areas of life, even in the more natural and alternative ways of living.
So, my question to you today is, what is it that you really want from life?
Some of you may assume more money would make you happy, and it might for some, but would it for YOU?
If more money is something you crave, what is your relationship with money like? Do you think it’s something good, something you deserve, or is it a dirty word you can’t say and the thought of having more brings you out in a sense of nervousness?
We sometimes have to deal with associations with what we want in life. For instance if we believe money is a dirty word, we need to remove this belief to be able to bring money into our lives .
The life we desire, the one that will truly fill us with all the emotions we crave like peace and contentment, will make you feel those things when you think about it.
I want you to really sit and take the time to think it through.
Its one of the things I work further with in my intensive workshops by really delving into your inner desires, and its such a powerful thing to do.
Allow yourself the space to explore what it is that would make you happy. And which areas of your life you would like to see change.
Who are you really?
Knowing who you are is something we all think we know.
For example, my name is Lanna, I’m a crystal healer and I am from Hertfordshire, UK.
But is that really who I am?
Not really, its things about me that are facts. Like the fact I’m a daughter, sister and partner.
But who am I really?
This was something I really worked with a lot at the start of my “spiritual journey” (this is something I will talk more about in the future) and it was, in all honesty, quite painful.
It took some deep delving to really explore what I wanted in life, and that was based around who I really am. What makes me tick, what excites me, what makes my heart sing, what I truly love being a part of and feel most in flow when I am doing.
A key trick to learning about who you really are, and consequently, what you really want, is to explore what makes you feel most in flow.
It may be giving presentations, gardening, listening to your children sing. It could be any number of things. Hear your body and energy respond when you feel your happiest and most content.
When you are in flow in life, you feel more content.
And what a beautiful place that is to be.
Getting in touch with yourself
For you to know yourself, who you are and what you want, there are many ways to do this.
Crystals, are of course, one way you can connect with yourself.
Here are my 4 top crystal suggestions to start this self-reflection journey:
1. Rose Quartz – commonly understood as the crystal for love. What is often missed is that it’s a great crystal to work on self-love. Because, at the end of the day, love starts with the self first. So, carry Rose Quartz to enhance self-awareness, self-love and compassion for the self. Remember, journal the process!
2. Citrine – a fabulous crystal for boosting self-esteem, self-confidence and self-belief. You can grow to accept yourself more, appreciate your individual qualities and know that YOU are an amazing being
3. Kyanite – one of my ultimate faves for this work, and one that I worked with heavily during my own process. Kyanite will enable you to communicate to the world as your true self, after first helping you accept who you truly are. Magical hey?
4. Amazonite – great for releasing attachments to emotions no longer helping you and reducing the negative self talk
I hope you really take the time this week to explore these questions. The transformation in your life will be magical.
This week’s freebie explores 6 questions to ask yourself – and by ask yourself I mean really take the time to sit and reflect, and if you feel inspired to do so, journal about these questions.
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Let me know how you get on, and if you have any questions fly them over to me at
Next week we’ll be exploring what your energy is trying to tell you.
With much crystal love
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