Did you know your home collects energy?
I’ve discussed energy and understanding what “energy” means and how to be aware of it around you, which you can read more on here https://www.lovehappenstome.com/post/what-is-your-energy-trying-to-tell-you
Energy is all around us and everything is made up of it.
We have energy within and around our physical bodies, and we collect and carry energy around with us.
As we rest our heads in our homes, we carry energy into our homes with us.
What kind of energy do you want your home to be full of?
If you could focus and create a feeling in your home, what would it be of?
There are so many different sensations we could want for our homes, and each one of us will have different focuses depending on our needs and our family’s needs.
What I want you to be aware of is energy exists in your home. AND you can decide what energy you have around you.
How to sense energy in your home
The easiest way to understand the energy that exists in your home is to see how it feels in each room.
If this seems difficult, practice. It will get easier.
So when you walk into your bedroom, how do you feel? Happy? Content? Relaxed? Or Stressed? Misunderstood? Confused?
Really clear your mind and spend time moving around each room and FEELING how it feels to be in there. Without the distractions of your family and their needs of you, or your phone and people trying to contact you.
Disconnect from the outside world, reconnect with yourself and scan your home. How does each room feel?
When you’ve got an understanding of how the rooms feel, you can then make a note of it all and cleanse the space.
Cleansing your Home
Some of you may already cleanse your homes. My favourite is to use Sage on a full moon – the full moon, as some of you will know, is super cleansing and focuses on reboosting your month with a release of all feelings you no longer need and refocusing on what you want.
Sage is used like incense – light it, let it flame, blow it out and waft the smoke around your home (in all nooks and crannies, under beds, in wardrobes, behind doors etc). With the smoke, energy is neutralised.
Once it is neutralised you can then heighten it. For example, play your favourite song, sing, dance, clap your hands, ring your singing bowl if you have one. Bring sound into the space and focus on feeling all of those feelings you want your home to have.
Refocusing your Space
In our every day lives we meet many people, and collect bits of energy from everyone.
When we come home, we bring all the energy we have collected with us and deposit it in our most intimate space.
Recognising and cleansing your home is so important because of this.
So once it has been cleansed, refocus your intentions.
After having been aware of how each room feels, sit down and think how you WANT each room to feel.
You can create different energy focuses in your home with the use of crystals.
Crystals and their Energetic Focus in your Home
Below are a list of focuses you may want to bring into your home, and the crystals that can attract those feelings.
Its as easy as placing the particular crystal in the room. As long as the crystal is cleansed, which you can read and view more on here https://www.lovehappenstome.com/post/the-importance-of-cleansing-your-crystals they will attract the energy you want to have around you.
How amazing is that?!
Loving focus = Rose Quartz
Clarity = Clear Quartz
Ease of sleep = Selenite
Peace and calm = Amethyst
Soak up negativity = Black Tourmaline
Soak up electromagnetic field = Black Obsidian
Boost positivity = Labradorite
Boost decision making = Lapis Lazuli
Attracting abundance = Citrine
If you have the above crystals, cleanse them and then place them in the associated room to create the energy in that space.
If you are in need of any crystals, do let me know as I have many for sale.
I hope you’ve found this blog on crystals in your home interesting, if you have any questions fly them over to me at info@lovehappenstome.com
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Next week we’ll be exploring the importance of a morning routine in more detail.
Be empowered. Be powerful. Be YOU.
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