Have you, like me, ever looked at others and wondered how they seem so confident, when you feel so low?
Its something I used to do a lot. Compare myself to others, and focus on the things about myself I didn’t like and find the opposite in others. Then say to myself, see they are better than you because blah blah blah.
Ring true?
Its something we’ve all done at various times and something so unhelpful and so damaging it should come with a health warning.
The evil of comparison
Comparing yourself to others wont make you feel any better. Especially if you are looking at them and telling yourself off for not having the same things / achievements as they do.
However, we can look at others and admire features about them, and their confidence may be one of those things.
You see, the people we admire as confident have similar traits to us. After all, like attracts like – and so what you see in others is in you too.
The difference may be they have managed to channel and activate those features about themselves that you are still learning how to.
For example, you may look at someone and think they have the most amazing body confidence, and you wish you felt the same. You also have the confidence to feel amazing about your body, but are choosing to focus on the features you wish to change rather than the amazing features you already have. All they are doing is focusing on the features they like and CHOOSING to love themselves totally as they are.
Confidence is a choice
It may seem like a big task to get your head around, but confidence is a choice.
By choosing to FEEL confident, you are accepting yourself, acknowledging all the great things about you and choosing to focus on them.
We are all human, we all have features about ourselves we wish would be different. But are we going to spend days worrying about those things, or are we going to focus on what we love and enjoy the life we have right now?
I hope you choose to enjoy the life you have right now.
And that starts with choosing to feel confident.
You can start small and work upwards.
Starting small
Start thinking about an area of your life you would like to feel more confident in.
Now how could you think differently about it?
You could switch a thought from a negative to a positive.
For example, if a thought in your mind is “I wish I felt confident enough to wear a bikini this summer” you can change this thought to “I am choosing to feel more confident about my body this summer”.
Repeating affirmations to yourself can make a huge impact on your confidence level.
If you didn’t take part in my Awaken your Fearless Confidence facebook challenge you can recap the videos here
If you are on the mailing list you will receive a toolkit downloadable on ways to boost your confidence in your inbox.
If you aren’t, you can sign up here https://www.subscribepage.com/comeandgrabyourfreebies
Be empowered. Be powerful. Be YOU.
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