We have touched on the starting points of working with crystals briefly before when I outlined how to pick your crystals, one you love, one you not so love. You can read that blog and watch that video here https://www.lovehappenstome.com/post/the-start-of-your-crystal-journey
Today I want a delve in a little deeper…
1. Picking crystals with your intuition
My focus is for you to build on your ability to intuitively pick the crystals you want to work with each day.
You are more than capable of doing it, the only thing stopping you may be a fear of not knowing how, or it seeming like too big a task.
My job here is to outline how it is possible and reassure you that you are more than capable to work with your own intuition. And you have intuition. We all do. Its just a matter of tapping into it.
By working intuitively with your crystals you are connecting to your own energy system, your gut and your natural ability to know what is good for you, what you need and how to go about getting it.
You may not believe you have this within you, but trust me, you do. And it is something you can connect with to channel so you can live your life in flow and following your gut. Because your gut / intuition / inner knowing is always right.
When it comes to picking your crystals intuitively, all you need to do is listen to yourself when you are standing in front of your crystals (or crystals you want to buy, whether in person or online) and see which ones are calling out to you.
You may hear something, see something, feel something or taste something – your intuition will have its ways of communicating with you, you just need to start recognising it.
When you get the message from your intuition, you will know which crystal to pick that day.
The trick is to not question it – go with what your intuition says even if your head tells you, “no you should be working with that one today”. The quicker you trust your intuition, the quicker you start living your life with inner peace.
The reason why your intuition guided you to those particular crystals will become apparent, and like I have said before – journal, journal, journal! The more you write it all down, the easier it will be to understand patterns that arise and see what your energy / intuition / gut is telling you.
2. Placing crystals around the home
I will go more in depth into this in a future post because this is a biggie.
Crystals emit an energy and you will soak that energy up. So, you can place crystals around your home for everyone to benefit from the energy they release.
I’m going to indicate some starting points you can place crystals in your home to start benefiting from their energy.
· Amethyst in each corner of each room – neutralises the energy in the room so it is maintained at a positive level (erasing any negativity and maintaining a positive energy throughout the room)
· Citrine in the furthest left hand corner – citrine is the abundance crystal and the furthest left hand corner of your space is where you attract abundance, so place the citrine in that place to double your ability to attract abundance
· Black tourmaline / obsidian each side of your front door – whether inside or outside, place a piece of black tourmaline / obsidian each side of your front door to protect your home from any negativity, maintaining a safe and secure space for you and your loved ones
· Rose quartz in the room where most arguments occur – rose quartz focuses the energy on love and compassion, and so if there is an area where most arguments seem to arise, rose quartz will start to quell those irritations with loving energy instead
3. Meditating with your crystals
Whether you are a seasoned meditator, or a complete newbie, meditation is another skill that is built upon. So if you try it and find it difficult, keep trying because it will become easier.
The best way to start is to give yourself space, somewhere quiet where you are alone, to sit for an amount of time to release the thoughts from your mind and just be present, focusing on your breath.
You could start with as little as a couple minutes a day. At first all sorts of thoughts will find that time to appear, such as what you might need to do that day, a shopping list or what you need to cook for dinner. Let those thoughts pass you by and decide in that moment you are sitting still, being present and allowing yourself the space to do so.
We often don’t allow ourselves the time to be still. And yet in those moments of stillness, great things happen.
To meditate with crystals, you can hold a crystal in your hand as you are meditating. It could be a crystal that enhances meditation such as Agate or Celestite, or it could be a crystal you are working with for a specific reason.
Don’t get too caught up in which crystal you need to be meditating with, just allow yourself the time and space to meditate.
If you meditate lying down you can place the crystal you choose just above your head, within your crown chakra space (we will start to explore chakras from next week) to enhance your ability to meditate with the use of the crystal.
4. Give your crystal a task
Now this may seem kooky, however once you’ve accepted this and work with it, it is so powerful!
Give your crystal a task.
Communicate this task to your crystal either out loud, or in your mind.
Hold the crystal in your hand and focus on it as you give it a task.
Now you may be thinking, what kind of task can I give a crystal?!
Well lets say you bought an amethyst to help you sleep. Hold your amethyst in your hand, focus on the crystal – you can look at it or keep your eyes shut and feel it in your hands, and over time you will feel yourself soaking up the energy – and ask it (out loud or in your head) to help you sleep.
Once you have done this, place it by your bed and continue on with your day.
What you have done is communicated a direct task you want your crystal to complete for you. The more of a relationship you build with your crystals, the more they can do for you.
If you then have another piece of amethyst you want to help you with headaches, do the same actions asking it to do that.
The best way to get the best results from your crystals are to give them solitary tasks.
So here are your 4 ways to get your crystal vibe flowing!
I’m excited to hear about your journeys and how you find it.
Lets get your life crystal rocking!
Let me know how you get on, and if you have any questions fly them over to me at info@lovehappenstome.com
You can grab your freebie this week here https://mailchi.mp/ccafd25ffe13/grabyourfreebies
Next week we’ll be exploring what chakras are.
With much crystal love
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