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4 steps to dealing with lockdown

Writer: Love Happens to MeLove Happens to Me

Although it seems to have eased the anxiety now that we have finally gone into lockdown, here are my 4 tips to dealing with it:

Step 1: Acceptance

We must accept that this is the position we are in.

We can wish it was different and feel irritated with it but what good does that do?

Nothing. Just adds to our stress levels.

So finding acceptance in the moment helps us be present in this very moment now, rather than living in the past (wishing something different had been done to prevent it getting to this stage) or living in the future (by being concerned about how long it will last).

Acceptance allows a space for calm within us.

Then we can figure out our next steps.

Step 2: Breathe

Its so vital to be aware of our breath, especially when we are stressed.

We tend to breathe in shorter bursts that don't reach far enough in our lungs to oxygenate our body effectively.

During stressful times when we may be anxious, over thinking and tense, its important to find 30 seconds to place our feet firmly on the ground, hold our bodies in a straight line (if standing, or sit tall if sitting) and take 3 deep breaths - in through the nose, out through the mouth.

By doing this we are instantly calming our whole body and feeding it the oxygen it needs to think clearly.

If you find 3 breaths aren't enough, then add more until you can feel the sense of peace rising in your body.

Step 3: Reflect

In every situation and experience we have in life there are 2 outcomes.

An amazing experience, or an amazing lesson.

The more we adapt this way of thinking into our lives, the more effective our life experience will be.

We won't unnecessarily repeat experiences because we "didn't learn the first time" (think of a time as a child when your parent said - don't touch that its hot - how many times did you repeat it until you learnt? Once can be enough once we are adults).

The more we remember to pause and reflect after an experience, the less repetition we will have in our lives.

This applies when we are talking about a worldwide pandemic, or smaller life experience's like an interview or a relationship.

We all know someone that has been in the "same" relationship all their life - they may have had multiple or just a couple of relationships but the foundation of each relationship has been very similar, with similar issues. Why does this happen? Because this person hasn't taken the time to reflect on what they want in a relationship and what they don't and head into a new one without allowing themselves the space to pause and reflect.

We all need to do this when it comes to COVID-19 so that we can, as a collective, avoid such devastating consequences in the future.

Step 4: Lessons

After reflecting we allow the space to open up to learn the lesson.

What can we learn from COVID-19?

The need for community? To know and look out for our neighbours? To take a step back and not be so heavily involved in a rat race to not enjoy online workouts with our kids or walks in the park?

We can always learn.

And when we give ourselves space to, we empower ourselves to be better than we ever have been before.

Both on an individual and collective level.

These are my 4 steps to dealing with lockdown.

If you need any extra support know I am here to reach out to.

I also have a very active facebook group that you are welcome to come and get support in

Be empowered. Be powerful. Be you.




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